3. Creating your DSA

To make the most out of DeFi opportunities, the first step is setting up your DeFi Smart Account (DSA). Below, you’ll find a detailed guide to help you create your DSA and start managing your digital assets. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating your DSA:

Step-by-Step Guide to creating your DSA

Step 1: Create and Prepare Your Externally Owned Account (EOA)

Before connecting to Dough Finance, you need an Externally Owned Account (EOA). If you haven't set one up yet or need to add cryptocurrencies like ETH or USDC to your wallet, refer to our detailed guides:

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet to Dough Finance

1. Access Dough Finance: Go to https://dough.finance

2. Connect Your Wallet: Click on the Wallet button on the homepage to initiate the connection process.

  • Choose your wallet provider (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) from the options presented.

Step 3: Create Your DSA

1. Start the Creation Process: Once your wallet is connected, click on the Get Started or Supply button on the Dough interface.

2. Open the Creation Modal: A modal window will open; click on **Get Started** again within this window.

3. Create Account: Proceed by selecting **Create Account**.

4. Confirm the Transaction: A MetaMask pop-up (or similar, depending on your wallet) will appear. Scroll down within the pop-up and click the blue **Confirm** button. Wait for the transaction to process.

Step 4: Supply Cryptocurrencies

1. Prepare Your Wallet: Ensure that you have transferred or bought the cryptocurrencies that you intend to supply. This is crucial for the next steps.

2. Supply Assets: After your DSA is created and the transaction is confirmed, press the Supply button to begin depositing your cryptocurrencies into your DSA.

Moving Forward

With your DSA now set up, you're ready to engage with DeFi activities on Dough Finance. You can lend, swap, or use your cryptocurrencies in various other DeFi operations securely and efficiently.

For further guidance on how to actively use your assets within the platform, please refer to our "Supply Guide" for comprehensive instructions on making the most of your investments.

Congratulations on setting up your DSA on Dough Finance! 🎉 Enjoy the journey into decentralized finance with your new account.

Last updated