Dough Finance

Welcome to Dough Finance User Guide

Your gateway to decentralized finance (DeFi) through a simple, secure, and user-friendly platform. Our mission is to make DeFi accessible for everyone, from beginners to seasoned crypto enthusiasts. Here’s how you can start managing your digital assets with ease using our platform.

Getting started with Dough Finance

Step 1: Connect Your Digital Wallet

To begin, you will need an Externally Owned Wallet (EOA), which acts like a virtual keychain for your digital currencies. If you don’t have one, we recommend using wallets like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Once your wallet is ready, connect it to Dough Finance by visiting our website: [Dough Finance]( and clicking on 'Connect Wallet'.

Step 2: Set Up Your DSA

After your wallet is connected, you will be prompted to create your DeFi Smart Account (DSA). Follow the on-screen instructions to set it up. It’s like establishing a secure vault where you’ll manage your assets. Just a few clicks and you’re set!

Using your DSA


Your DSA is your personal hub for managing your cryptocurrencies.

Here’s what you can do:

- Save: Securely store your cryptocurrencies.

- Manage: Perform transactions like swapping, borrowing, and lending.

- Invest: Earn compounding yields by supplying crypto to lending protocols.

Interacting with DeFi Protocols

Dough Finance is integrated only with top DeFi protocols.

Here’s how you can use these integrations:

1. Supplying Crypto: Choose a protocol from the dashboard and select ‘Supply’ to lend your crypto and earn interest.

2. Swapping Assets: Exchange one type of crypto for another directly from your DSA.

3. Borrowing and Lending: Borrow against your assets or lend them out for returns.

Safety and Security

At Dough, we prioritize your security. All activities are governed by smart contracts—automatic systems that execute transactions based on predefined rules, ensuring safety and transparency. Always make sure you are interacting with our official site and keep your wallet credentials private.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Issue: Can’t Connect Wallet

Solution: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and that you are using a supported browser. Check if your wallet is unlocked and try reconnecting.

  • Issue: Transaction Fails

Solution: Check for sufficient gas fees and ensure you have enough balance for the transaction. If the problem persists, reset your wallet or contact our support.

  • Issue: Incorrect Asset Swap

Solution: Double-check the swap details before confirming the transaction. If you've received the wrong assets, see if a reversal or correction is possible through our support team.


Dough Finance simplifies DeFi, making it easy and safe for you to manage your digital assets. By following this guide, you should feel confident in navigating our platform and taking full advantage of the financial opportunities in DeFi. Remember, your DSA is the key to a flexible and secure digital finance experience. Explore, interact, and grow your investments with Dough Finance.

Last updated